Easiest IB Subjects to get a 7

That glorious 7. It’s not an easy feat, but with adequate preparation and the right knowledge — like knowing what the easiest IB subjects are — it can be a lot easier. Below, we have assembled a set of the easiest IB subjects to get a 7 on, marked by group, based on the IBO stats.

The ratings were based on the percentage of people that got a 7 in these classes. Please consider that although the subjects below are generally the easiest, everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. That means that what may be easier to most might be hard for you and vise versa.

Group 1 – Language A1

Everyone in the US has to take English and/or Literature, which aren’t relatively easy. In fact, English is the hardest throughout the board, with the rate of 7s averaging around 6%.

However, if you are bilingual and attend international schools, you would have higher chances of scoring a perfect 7. Amongst the highest are Asian languages, with Chinese, Korean, and Japanese having the highest percentage of 7s — with a combined average of 25%.

Group 2 – Language B and A2

Once again, this one can be straightforward if you are international. For example, students of Chinese or Spanish background should opt for Mandarin or Spanish B, respectively.

However, if you’re like the rest of us, then listen up:
Although Portuguese, Greek, and Nepali all have over 70% of 7’s, we understand that those are not very common languages.

Amongst the three most common language B subjects — Spanish, French, & German — Spanish take the win with over 30% of HL students and 13% of SL students getting a 7.

Group 3 – Individuals and Societies

In group three, there are many generally easy subjects, with a generally low level of 7s. However, one stands out with the highest percentage of 7s — Economics. Econ has the highest rate of students achieving 7s in Standard Level and Higher Level, with 10% and 15%, respectively.

Group 4 – Experimental Sciences

Science is hard; we get that. And ranking sciences by difficulty can become very subjective, so we’re sticking to hard numbers.

Although many consider bio to be the generally easiest class amongst the three. However, the raw memorization involved for testing makes it actually the hardest of the three to get a 7. If you’re aiming for a seven, however, then physics is the way to go. Physics has over 23% of students earning a 7 on HL and 12% for SL.

Group 5 – Mathematics

Math is pretty straight forward; IA SL is the easiest, moving up to AA HL as the hardest. Hence, students weak at Math should choose the IA SL level of math. However, from a statistical POV, Further Math HL has the highest 7’s, with 35%. That’s probably because they’re all geniuses…

Group 6 – The Arts

This group is considered controversial and is up to your passions. However, from a statistical point of view, IB theatre has the highest percentage of 7’s, with 26% for HL and 18% for SL.


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